The medical Miracle.


KIDNEY DISEASE - One of our Associates’ sisters, a Barrister, shared her story of being diagnosed with renal failure last year. She had dropped from 75kg to 45kg, was bed ridden for 6 months, hospitalized for 2 months, on dialysis, unable to work or care for her children, and was on the list for a kidney transplant. Her doctor started her on Cellgevity, and today her kidneys show no sign of disease, she did not need any transplant, she is healthy, back to work and looking after her family.

INCONTINENCE - One of our Associates, a Medical Doctor, gave Cellgevity to a patient who was unable to control her bowels or urine. The patient now knows when she has to urinate or defecate and no longer loses control.

SICKLE CELL - One of our Associates, a Medical Doctor, has a 54 year old Sickle Cell patient who frequently felt bone pain and other crises related to Sickle Cell. She has been on Cellgevity for 6 weeks and has been crisis free. This would not have been the case before Cellgevity.  He is now going to introduce it to other Sickle Cell patients.

One of our Associates is a Nurse, standing on her feet for 12-hour shifts. She gets very tired during her shift and also cannot sleep well at night. After starting Cellgevity she now sleeps like a baby and has great energy all day long for her 12-hour shift.

Our Associate gave a woman with diabetes and a diabetic ulcer Cellgevity. For 4 years she had suffered from a diabetic ulcer on her leg, with a dressing that had to be changed at the hospital every 2 weeks or else the wound would begin to smell. After beginning Cellgevity she missed her appointment. The doctor was worried something had happened to her. When she finally came in for her appointment 3 weeks after beginning Cellgevity, the ulcer was virtually healed.

A 68-year-old man had suffered from stroke the past 8 months. After starting Cellgevity his wife called to say that he was now able to urinate on his own for the first time in 8 months and had also experienced his first erection in 8 months.

One of our Doctors was working with a couple that could not conceive for 4 years, the man had low sperm count and could not hold a strong erection. After being on Cellgevity, the sperm count increased, his erections improved, and the couple has just called the doctor to advise the wife is now pregnant.

One of our Associates gave Cellgevity to her friend who complains of heel pain and was no longer able to wear high-heeled shoes. After starting on Cellgevity she now wears high-heeled shoes happily with no pain.

One of our Associates, a Health Worker, saw a woman who had been from hospital to hospital, prescribed many medications, and still nothing was able to help her. She was unable to walk or do any normal daily task without aid. After starting Cellgevity she can now walk without aid, and is able to coordinate movements of her limbs, plus complete many of the daily tasks she had previously not been able to do.

One of our Associates mother had surgery 4 years ago and never recovered fully. She experienced ongoing pain and it was sometimes even difficult to carry her handbag. As a widow with 5 children she had to continue working regardless, her family relied on her. After being introduced to Cellgevity she says she has never felt such vitality and happiness in all her life, she now works and even requests overtime because her well-being is so wonderful.

BACK PAIN - One of our Associates has had years of back pain. When her children were younger she used to have them walk on her back to help relieve the pain. For years she has gone to expensive European clinics in Nigeria to get relief, paying hundreds of thousands of Naira monthly, but has had limited success. Since beginning on Cellgevity she has had no back pain for the past 8 months, and her costs for her monthly Max products are a tiny fraction of what she was paying previously. She is now passionate about sharing Cellgevity with all those who have chronic pain.

ENERGY/SEXUAL PERFORMANCE - One of our new Associates started Cellgevity, and after just 2 days noticed increased energy and better sexual performance. We know that there are many men with hypertension or diabetes who have challenges with sexual performance. We often have testimonies that Cellgevity and ATP work wonders for anyone with these issues.

ANKLE PAIN / WAIST PAIN - One of our Associates, a 28 year old medical doctor, has had unexplained ankle pain since he was 18 years old. He loves to play soccer, and whenever he played the pain got very bad and he would be disabled for some time after. Tests showed nothing wrong. Since he has started on Cellgevity he can now enjoy playing soccer without pain and has had no ankle pain for the past one year. His Dad is 68 and enjoys riding his bicycle but had been unable to continue due to ongoing serious waist pain that stopped him from many activities. Again, tests showed nothing wrong. He started on Max products and has been pain free for the past 8 months, once again enjoying bicycling and all of his normal activities.

INJURY RECOVERY - One of our Associates played professional football Internationally. His football career was cut short due to injury. He returned to Ghana with a limp and looking for a career change. He tried Cellgevity and after the first day he went from limping to walking much better. He was convinced, joined Max as an Associate, and now shares Max products everywhere he goes.

HYPERTENSION / ENLARGED HEART - One of our Associates gave Max products to a Pastor who has been struggling with high blood pressure and an enlarged heart, in and out of hospital and in the house for the past year. After 3 weeks, he is feeling much better, is sleeping well and says he feels very strong.

DIABETES & BLOOD SUGAR - One of our Associates started to feel very unwell and was diagnosed with high blood sugar. He was placed on medication for 2 months by his doctor, which did not do any good. He was then placed on a different medication for 2 months also with limited results. Somebody introduced Cellgevity to him and after a month he was doing very well. His medication for diabetes has been reduced and combined now with Cellgevity his blood sugar is very well controlled.

EYESIGHT - One of our Associates, a medical doctor, has found after 2 weeks that his eyesight is improved. Before taking Cellgevity, he was unable to read without his eyeglasses. Now he finds he is able to read without reaching for his eyeglasses immediately and can see his eyesight is improving.

ATHLETIC RECOVERY - An Associate who is very active in sports has normally experienced aches and pains after exercise, and particularly the morning after he does strenuous sports activities. Since starting Cellgevity, the recovery is much faster and he no longer wakes up with aches and pains after his sporting activities.

GENERAL POOR HEALTH - one of our Associate’s mother suffered from overall poor health. She visited hospital regularly, took many medications, and yet was unable to find any answers or relief. She needed 20 minutes to climb one flight of stairs and was able to sleep for only 30 minutes in the night. After starting on Cellgevity, the first thing she noticed was that she slept soundly through the night. After some weeks, her family was surprised when she walked more than 1km to meet a relative at the junction. She is now back to all of her regular household activities and hospital visits are a thing of the past. She takes her Cellgevity every month and wouldn’t miss it.

PROSTATE & SURGERY RECOVERY – the father of one of our Associates had previously had surgery for prostate cancer. The surgery did not go well and he was in pain. He returned for a second and then a 3rd surgery but the pain was still very bad. He was unable to move from the bed and his family had to help him bathe and relieve himself. The doctors recommended a 4th surgery. Instead he was introduced to Cellgevity. After 4 days he was up and wanting to drive. He has now resumed all his activities, no pain, and no 4th surgery.

EPILEPSY / SEIZURES - one of our Associates introduced Cellgevity to someone with Epilepsy, who suffered from seizures frequently. After a month on Cellgevity the seizures are gone.

ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER - One of our Associates, a Pharmacist, gave Cellgevity to a parent who used one capsule a day with her 13 year old son who was experiencing Attention Deficit Disorder and lack of focus in class. After one month on Cellgevity, his parents and teachers have noticed a remarkable improvement in attention and focus.

DOWN’S SYNDROME - one of our Associate’s has a 2 year old daughter who the Doctor’s feel may have Down’s Syndrome, or perhaps something else. At 2 years, the daughter doesn’t speak, crawl or walk. The father started giving her MaxOne, our pure RiboCeine product. She started to speak and then crawl. She is now trying to teach herself to walk. The family is overwhelmed and grateful.

AUTISM / HORMONES - one of our Associates has a 20 year old niece who has autism. She was not able to speak clearly, hold a conversation, or hold any kind of job. She also had very irregular periods. After starting on Cellgevity she now has regular periods, speaks clearly and is able to have conversations, and is learning a trade in crafting to earn her own money.

AGING/SKIN - one of our Associates had to get her passport photo redone. The bank didn’t believe that her photo ID was correct because she looked so much more youthful than her photo after being on Max products. Many people find their skin and overall appearance improves with Max products.

CHILDBIRTH - one of our Associates gave Cellgevity to a woman recovering from Childbirth. She had had an epidural during the delivery process and had not recovered. Her baby was delivered successfully but she was unable to walk and had a great deal of pain for up to a year after the birth. After one week on Cellgevity she was able to walk and her pain was gone.

MENSTRUAL/HORMONAL ISSUES - One of our pharmacists gave Cellgevity to 2 different women both with the same issue. The first woman was 34 years old and not had her period for 4 years, the other was 40 yrs and with no period for 2 years. After starting on Cellgevity they both began to flow normally after just a few weeks. Another woman with a lot of pain during her menstrual cycle and with her menses being too short now has no pain and a normal cycle after Cellgevity. We have many testimonies of irregular or painful periods normalizing after Cellgevity.

PARALYSIS - One of our Associates father has had a mysterious illness for 40 years. Every 1 to 2 years he has partial paralysis and takes some time to recover. He was taking more than 40 pills per day, yet no relief. 18 months ago the doctors said there was no hope for him, his organs had begun to shut down and he would not survive this recent attack, or at best, be in a wheelchair if he survived.  He started on Cellgevity and has made a full recovery, with no incidents since, no wheelchair and is now down to 10 pills per day vs 40.

MENTAL HEALTH   A woman had been experiencing mental health issues for 4 years. She was non communicative, sometimes violent, not attending to her personal care, stayed in the house, and did not comprehend when others spoke to her. She had seen herbalists and psychiatrists but nothing had helped. Her Doctor placed her on Cellgevity and ATP. One month later during her follow up appointment she was now clean and presentable, happy, communicating well, and reporting that she has now found a job.

We have testimonies on almost every health challenge you can imagine - hypertension, stroke, arthritis, migraines, asthma, and so many more……note that we should not be recommending for children, pregnant women or nursing mothers, however a parent can take their own decision for their child or a doctor may make a recommendation based on their medical knowledge of their patient. It is important also to note that *Cellgevity is NOT a DRUG or a MEDICINE and does not treat, cure or prevent disease. Cellgevity is a FOOD SUPPLEMENT that increases glutathione, and when that happens, miracles can happen.*
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